Saturday, August 30, 2008
soon, we will be entering the time of the year where dan's sales slow way down. Winter time last year we thought we might lose our house because money was so tight.
god knows I can spend money with the best of them
when we have cash in our pockets it is gone in no time
I just want to be responsible and i get tired of coming off as a nagging wife
recently we have been selling a few thing here and there on craigslist--we sold some bar stools and dan sold some tires today
I happened to ask dan what his plans for the money was?
was i nagging? do i really need to ask that?
I guess i just want him to have a plan --if he would have just said--honey don't worry about it
there is always going to be issues and i am just thankful dan and I are at the point where we can talk about them.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
saggy bottom drawers
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
smart cycle
sadie loves her smart cycle--a christmas present from last year. education and a work out!!
she loves when we watch her too--now it is place in the middle of the living room --laken is fascinated when she plays--there are about 10 different games you can buy--dora, diego, thomas the train, barbie, elmo..
one of the best toys I've bought in a long time
Sunday, August 24, 2008
we are still paying on his computer and my new camera--maybe someday I will have an apple mac but until then (I am hoping dh will read this post and feel sorry for me)....
what are the shelf life on laptops anyway?? 3 or 4 years?
beep beep--this ones time is ticking down....
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
laken and sadie fight for my attention 24/7--mommy this, mommy that
"mommy watch me" is laken's most used expression of the year
isn't it magical when your child says mommy for the first time? you want to record that day, hour and minute when your child decides that it is time to declare his knowledge of who you are.
it is not so magical at this point. I am bombarded with mommy so often these days my head spins. I want to feel it to feel special again like the first time they say the word mommy but let me tell you if i hear the word mommy one more time my head may just spin around in poltergeist.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
my husband
1) he makes me belly laugh
2) his family is number one in his life
3) he will do anything for his friends
4) he can find any item i've misplaced
5) he supports me no matter what
6) he is passionate about what and who he loves
7) he can clean a house almost as well as my mom
8) he can fix anything
9) he has no romantic bone in his body
10) he makes me whole
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
planning ahead
even if it is only for 6 days
I had to wake laken up this morning--he is not a morning toddler
he usually sleeps in until 9 or after. and it felt like i basically pushed the kids out the door and i was still 10 minutes late to work
now i am thinking about dinner--I didn't think ahead and defrost any meat or put anything in the crockpot--I totally spaced on the dinner thing..
so now I will have to pick up two starving kids and play it by ear.
I have got to be a better planner--it just doesn't seem to be in my personality
planning the meals at least would cut down on half my stress..
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
mommy do you know where my lip stuff is
mommy will you come sleep with me?
I am thirsty
I have to pee--even tho there is a bathroom upstairs right by the bedroom
my legs hurts---and the list goes on and on and on
and she always happens to come down when there is a scary or gruesome scene on tv ( i am watching Heroes season 1)
she doesn't seem tired at all either--I hear her little feet pitter pattering upstairs all over the's exhuasting sometimes
Monday, August 18, 2008
I miss brecken's smile and the way he asks me to wake him up before i leave for work even though he knows he will already be up.
I miss gemma's presence, her patience with the little kids, her late night ice cream binges
I despise living so far away from them
I want to roll in a ball and cry my eyes out from missing them so much but I have a 2 and 3 year old who need me just as much.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
what an amazing group of men who tragically died fighting fires
god bless you
Friday, August 15, 2008
I think my favorite pictures to take are of anything having to do with nature (second to taking pics of my kiddos). I would love to just travel around and discover beauty everywhere with my camera lens. I know one day i will have the opportunity. I really wish i knew how to use my camera better--dan bought it for me about 6 mos ago and i need to take a class to learn what every button, setting, ect does. hmm that will be number one in my new crossitoff.list book. thanks rnt!!!
date night
the movie was really good--mixing humor in with a pretty good storyline for a animated version of star wars. brecken had a good time--and even said right before bed it was the best movie ever.
thank you brecken for being my date tonight--i love you
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
it's been uncomfortable ever since I first started wearing it--now i have a freakin blister in my mouth from it rubbing!
i paid 200 dollars to have this thing cause me continual pain--I don't think so
now i have to make time to go back in sometime this week---aghhhh
it just doesn't seem fair to need a medication but have such crappy side effects.
I used to be the kind of girl that cried her eyes out at any given moment---the highs and lows-ups and downs i don't miss but give me happiness, love, excitement, wonder, hope, surprise, pride, and desire and day.
alas my husband says my bitchiness emotion still works fine
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
my husband doesn't understand my obsession--he gets really back cracked skin on the bottom of his feet in the summertime--i think from wearing sandals?? maybe he should try my aquaphor and then he would be a true believer.
Friday, August 8, 2008
camping minus me and gem
a part of me feels guilty that i am not there helping out, spending quality time with the kids, roughing it...
on the other hand---big sigh--no responsibility--except for gemma
sleeping in, going to a movie--and being able to watch it, eating at a restaurant in peace, garage saling, shopping--all these things are highly possible this weekend.
the weekend of gemma and i
kinda like the summer of george on seinfeld
I hope dan takes lots of pictures
Thursday, August 7, 2008
feeding my fam
today dan hid the soda--hee hee
sometimes i think it would be cheaper to eat out--a lot of restaurants have the kids eat free
it is really expensive to feed 4 kids--especially if you want them to eat fruits and veggies. as they get older it is only going to get worse--time for some serious menus, budgeting, and trying to be frugal--my only question is--how do i have time to get the best bargains and clip coupons?--I am a convenience shopper--one stop..
more on this later...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
the moon
i need to shave my legs and paint my toenails
I need to pluck my eyebrows and my chin hair
the house is messy--and here i sit writing in my blog
this is my outlet--how can i deny myself one stress reliever?
my tooth hurts and when i took out my flippin "flipper" for the first time today it tore off the scab for my baby tooth. I can't eat very well with it in so i've been drinking a martinis, wine, rum and cokes....liquid meals
i haven't been following through very well with my promises to the kids either--simple things like making brownies, reading brecken a book..
i have to do better
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
amazing documentary with ewen macgregor and charlie boorman--they travel on their motorcycles from london to scotland to cape town, south africa--what an amazing journey--anyway dan and I saw the only showing they had here in medford. the places they got to see--the egyptian pyramids, the people they met in africa--what an opportunity!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
laken and balls
and throwing
and throwing balls
basically his favorite game is throwing anything--toys, food, diapers, clothes which i guess is a pretty inexpensive hobby.
I am definitely going to put this kid in softball, baseball, t-ball when he gets a little older.
maybe i will just get him a ball for christmas--wouldn't life be simpler if all of the kids only had 3 toys. laken would have a ball, a bat, and a box--i think he would be very content.
makes me think back to little house on the prairie when laura ingalls wilder was thrilled with an orange in her stocking.--and maybe a doll made of wood by mr. edwards.
kids are way too spoiled these days--including mine
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
i haven't been to a dentist--in at least 3 years maybe 4. i know i know--kind of irresponsible of me. but i truly cringe when i take one of my kids to the dentist--the smell, the sounds....I had a lot of dental work done when i was younger and a horrible abscessed tooth at about 23.
so when i went to the dentist on tuesday they found that i have 2 baby teeth on the bottom--twins--one on each side. one was decayed down to the nerve. so i need one extraction, one crown, a root canal, and eventually another extraction, an implant, and a "flipper"--a fake tooth with a retainer. 2700 dollars worth of dental work--wth?? and our dental insurance sucks!! 1000 dollars a calendar year. i know i should be grateful we even have just really hits hard right now.
one of our tires on our gmc yukon cracked and we had to buy new tires and wheels..
anyway--my dental work will just have to be done in a few phases so we can save up the money. my first phase is this tuesday--my first dental extraction--at least they have iv sedation==whoo hoo.