Friday, September 18, 2009

ahh some quiet time

we have had a rough go of it this week--Laken has been sick with a cough/fever for the majority of the week a "viral illness" as the pediatrician told us on wednesday. dan has stayed home with him until this morning --he needed to work a little bit this week and we thought he was on the mend. this morning he was warm again and I could tell he didn't fell like himself but I had no place to take him and as my job is brand new I can't really call in. poor guy--I bribed him to go to school by telling him he could play with legos--which there is a big lego table. I felt horrible because I know I should be home with my baby when he is not feeling well. I was able to take off at lunch and pick him up ( he did great). now--he is working on a three hour nap and I can rediscover the computer. dan and I have gotten no sleep this week as laken has been up and down at night. there are no groceries, the house is a disaster,--I don't think I brushed my hair today. I can't wait until Laken feels better and things are back to normal ( for a minute).

1 comment:

Robin said...

So sorry Laken has been sick...just miserable! Call you today.