Friday, April 24, 2009



you are growing up so fast and before you get your drivers license I want to remember how you are right now. You are not a morning person--you really don't want anyone to talk to you or look at you until 9 am and after you've had your first cup of chocolate milk. when you talk you enunciate like no ones business--my babysitter thinks you might have hearing problems but i just know you want people to understand you. Dora is you absolutely fave and you are a huge tv addict--you love to stand right in front of the tv. sadie is your hero--but sometimes she is mean to you but you take up for yourself these days with high pitch screams that rock the house. (mommy will be glad when that phase passes)

You would be outside all day long if you could--riding your scooter, swinging on your stomach, spraying the hose, playing bat and ball, exploring......
you are three weeks away from your third birthday and have peed and pooped once in your elmo potty--daddy and I are thrilled..
you are such a mommy's boy and I love it. I want to remember your little boy smell and your cute feet with your large big skip when you run and your two favorite words are "I don't" you have excellent hair and daddy thinks this may get you somewhere in life:) You are such a blessing!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a sweet post!!