Thursday, October 9, 2008

Laken and I have a bedtime ritual every night--I wrap him in his choo choo blanket and carry him upstairs. He turns on the hall light and mommy and daddy's bedroom light. next he proceeds to jump on our bed for about 2-3 minutes--ending in jumping into mommy's arms. last night I was preoccupied with something else while laken was jumping on the bed--laundry or something evil like that. when i came back to carry laken to bed he was nowhere to be found....

the little guy had crawled into his crib by himself and was just so pleased with himself. almost 2 1/2 and never has crawled in or out of his crib by himself.
then again he wanted to crawl out by himself this morning.
looks like a toddler bed might be in our future......


Robin said...

That is so sweet!!!

Robin said...

You had a nice sweet ride for a long time!!!! Welcome to the nights of getting up, laying down, getting up, laying down......

Robin said...

The second one is Portland Robin, not sister Robin.....

cherrie said...

not looking forward to it--dan is transforming his crib into a bed this weekend--aghhhh