Monday, September 8, 2008


I need to make lists, to organize, and start fulfulling the lists that I do make.
Our house is a dumping ground for stuff...our attic is chock full of things we haven't seen, touched, or used in the three years we have lived at this address.
I just need the time. with 4 kids it is nearly impossible to take the time to organize as it takes away from time with them. I am already working 4 days a week now. and every other weekend is devoted to gemma and brecken.
I should just take one hour a day and go bit by bit. My problem is I will start one project and then find something that will lead me into another project and alas I will end up starting fourteen different project and not finishing any of them.
It is much easier to procrastinate at this point but what scares me is when we finally do sell the house and have to go through all of the STUFF in a certain amount of time.


Robin said...

Are we related or what? I cannot keep on task either! Need someone to just come in and get rid of stuff without even asking what needs to go.

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear Cherrie ... it afflicts us all!

I do however, have some great new lists that I have been working on ... organizational stuff ... might help keep ya on track?

Will email them to you.